Isolation sometimes for some people becomes a necessity. Just like some people crave for company, others crave isolation. Aloofness.

There is in fact nothing wrong with being alone. It’s good to spend some with “yourself”. Trying to know one’s self. I too am a sucker for it. I lovvve (it’s not a typo, it’s my way of showing intensity!) spending time all by myself. I love my company, I love going shopping with me...! Yea..! it’s True...!
But on the other hand it has serious and severe affects on the personality traits of a person. It can lead to a condition where you can experience a fear of meeting people. Excessive isolation can lead to depression and some other psychological traumas. It creates darkness in life.

What complicates the problem is the fact that such people are just a face in the crowd, therefore difficult to separate or let’s say isolate. They are so good at creating a facade. You can never ever guess that something is wrong with them. More than often these people are common at high profile and glamor jobs. Look at someone like a Viveka Babajii, she achieved all that a girl in the modeling world could aspire for. Yet she failed in striking a healthy relationship. After a series of heart breaks, she found an easy way out of it all. To blame an estranged relation for her taken decision according to me would be a tad too harsh. The foundation of it maybe was laid way earlier, during her peak days. Insecurity, lack of friends, broken trust............
Trust once broken is hard to rebuild. When a person’s trust is broken again and again, it becomes e hard to demarcate between friends and foes. Suddenly the world seems to be a cruel place. Full of pretentions and vicious circles. Fake promises, false smiles, so called friends....... the only easy way out of this mess then seems to be ________ .( don’t need to write it down)...!
Well, many a times it is said that people who commit suicide are cowards, don’t have the guts to face difficulties... blah blah blah......! But I think that it actually takes a lot of guts and courage to take such a step. To break ties and end everything drastically. To leave behind the dreams and aspirations. People who you loved and who loved you.....! Just imagine the amount of pressure /tension on such a person who overlooks all these factors and goes ahead with the decision. Statistics clearly indicate the huge number of suicide cases in India alone.

Friends, there are a lot of people out there who need help. Guidance. Someone to talk to. Such people don’t come with a tag, you have to recognize them. They can be one of us. Maybe one of our friends.