
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Nope. The little boy is not related to me in any way. I met (actually saw) him in a public bus. It has been some 4 months since i saw him. Was just browsing through various folders when i came across this pic. Now i know, its very bad and un-civic of me to publish his pics ( also clicking his pic without his consent, well can't help that much, when he was totally in some other world :P :D).

I just couldn't help it. The little guy was just so cute and adorable (muah). Sitting right in fount of me with a million dollar expression of his face....!! I just had to take his pic.

don't ya guys agree.....?

i just love little kids. My friends have started calling me baccha chor after this incident...!!


  1. Thats a real great photograph ! :)

  2. real cute of course..u r a good all's well...

  3. hmm seriuosly getting concerned about you Sneha, i just hope this strange behaviour is part of the college withdrawl symptom. hoping u have a speedy recovery ! ;)

  4. तब बच्चा चोर...मुझे तो पता नहीं था की मेरे दोस्तों में से कोई बच्चा चोर भी है..
    लेकिन ऐसी चोरी करते रहिये जी...कितना क्यूट और प्यारा बच्चा है..कितनी मासूमियत है, कितनी बेफिक्री से सो रहा है, उफ्फ..क्या खूबसूरत जिन्दगी है इसकी :)

    बहुत सही थी ये चोरी...करते रहिये :)

  5. hey thanks ya:) how u doing? take care..wishes

  6. awwww so cute...dont blame urself for clicking such lovely pics :)

    i love kids...their innocence, sweetness, and their chubby cheeks...the best part being that they are so pure and non judgemental..:)

    keep posting such pics..:)
